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CM Certification Board - Chairman's Message

CM Certification Board - Chairman's Message

Category: AINDT News

The AINDT SA Conference in in November will be an opportunity for presentations on Condition Monitoring. As part of
their support for the conference, the Australian Professional Thermography Association Inc. will operate a single day agenda
on the Monday 4th November. The presentation program is in drafting format.

Opportunity for presentations on Conditioning Monitoring are available. Expressions of interest can be lodged with the AINDT at 

The draft agenda will be made available shortly for timings for the Monday 4th November 2019 Condition Monitoring stream. I recently made submission to ME – 087 Committee of Standards Australia, regarding the project proposal lodged for adoption of ISO 10878:2013 General Thermography/ Vocabulary. This submission was lodged via the Australian Professions Thermography Association Inc. industry representative on the committee.

In summary, the submission contained the following objections to the adoption:

a. Thermography in Australia is currently operating under the Condition Monitoring (CM) framework of Standards being ISO 18434-1 and the Certification of person’s Standard AS ISO 18436-7. This framework has been operating for over five (5) years currently in Australia and is consistent with International positioning with respect to Thermography application and Certification.

b. Certification under the ISO 9712 in Australia ceased around 2012 by the AINDT due to the problems associated with test samples for examinations and other reasons. Certification holders under the NDT scheme have transferred to hold Certification AS ISO 18436-7 on renewal.

c. AUSPTA’s position is if ISO 10878:2013, is adopted it must be clear it is not for the CM sector. Further we see limited benefit in adoption in Australia due to it not being relevant to the Australian market, with the operation and functioning of the CM Standards.

d. If reference to ISO 10878:2013 were made to the CM Standards it will create massive confusion in Industry who currently use the ISO 18436, ISO 18434 and ISO 6781.3, ISO 6781:1993 Standards in Industry for Thermography in Australia.

e. AUSPTA see no benefit to the Australian Industry for adoption of the Standard currently. The streamlining of NDT and CM Standards should be from an International Standards Level for review.

Shawn Moore
Chairman – AINDT CM Certification Board