The Australian Institute for NDT, as the Certification Body, is committed to the impartiality of its JAS-ANZ accredited “Personnel Certification Scheme” for NDT & CM practitioners.
In fulfilling this commitment, the AINDT BOARD carefully assesses the suitability of proposed members of the scheme committee’s 'Certification Boards’ (CB’s) before ratifying the selections. In nominating members to be elected to either Certification Board (NDT or CM), careful consideration is given to the impact potential members will have, should the nominee be elected, such that no single interest is predominant.
In approving proposed members of any AINDT committees that have an interest in the AINDT’s Certification activities, careful consideration is given to the impact it will have on impartiality.
Members are also required to declare any potential conflict of interest in any topics being discussed and may therefore be restricted from partaking in discussions on the subject at the discretion of the chairman. This will be minuted for future records.