Condition Monitoring Certification

Certification Board

The Condition Monitoring industry approached AINDT in April 2009 to enquire if certification for Vibration Analysis could be provided in accordance with ISO18436 – Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics of Machines – Requirements for training and certification of personnel – Part 2 – Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics. A meeting was held in Perth on 24 June 2009 and attended by a broad cross-section of the CM industry, including equipment suppliers, users, service providers, training organisations and representatives from AINDT.

A steering committee was formed and it was a recommendation of this committee that a Technical Committee (Vibration Analysis) be set up under the aegis of the National Certifying Body of AINDT, who will act as the legal entity in the management and administration of the certification scheme.

The first meeting of the certification board was held on 5 March 2010 in Melbourne. It was a decision of this technical committee that it be known as the Condition Monitoring Certification Board (CMCB) and that its terms of reference would include Vibration Analysis (ISO18436/2), Field Lubricant Analysis - (ISO18436/4) and Thermography (ISO18436/7).

This document sets out the general requirements for the operation of the condition monitoring certification scheme as well as the policies and procedures that are in accordance with international requirements. The scheme is available both nationally and internationally for certification of CM personnel. The specific requirements for the respective technologies are published in:

  • Appendix A       Vibration Analysis (VA)
  • Appendix B       Field Lubricant Analysis (FLA)
  • Appendix C       Thermography   (IRT)

The CMCB will not be directly involved in training but will approve training bodies (ATB’s) that can provide proof that they are in compliance with ISO18436/3 and the requirements of the specific methodology. The CMCB will also authorise qualifying bodies (AQB’s) to act on the board’s behalf in the qualification and certification process. The CMCB will also approve examination centres (AEC’s) providing they meet the standards for holding examinations on the CMCB’s behalf. The requirements for compliance can be found in:

  • Appendix D      Authorised Qualifying Body (AQB)
  • Appendix E       Approved Training Body (ATB)
  • Appendix F       Approved Examination Centre (AEC)

Acknowledgement is made of the contribution of Max Wishaw who provided valuable support to AINDT in bringing together the respective interests from industry to form the Condition Monitoring Certification Board.



1 - I have finished my training and sat my exams, am I now certified with AINDT?

No. Once you have completed your training and sat exams, you must apply to AINDT certification to get certified with us.

2 - How many months do I need for my training and experience?

This is dependent on which method of CM and which level you would like to apply. Please refer to our relevant section in the relevant guide below:
CM Guide to Certification.

3 - Where can I get my training for NDT/CM?

AINDT does NOT conduct any sort of formal training for CM. All AINDT Approved Training Bodies are listed on the AINDT website

CM Training Bodies - CLICK HERE.

4 - How long does it take to receive my certificate and ID card?

If ALL documentation is in order with a completed application with no faults, then the turnaround time is a maximum of 21 days. Please note: It is 21 days from the time the full application has been received by AINDT. Missing information or documentation on your application may delay this process.

5 - Am I allowed to have a scanned copy of my certificate and card?

No. You may request it only under special circumstances. Please put it in writing and it will be under the discretion of the Federal Office. We ask that all certificate holders to please retain their original certificates, as we will only re-issue the certificate with a fee charged – no scanned copies (Please see our Schedule of Fees, CLICK HERE).

6 - I have lost my original certificat, what should I do now?

If you have lost your certificate, we will issue you another original certificate. However, there will be a cost for the re-issue (Please see our Schedule of Fees, CLICK HERE). You can also use the certification verification tool on the AINDT website to the current status of any certification held (Link Verification tool).

7 - How do I apply for certification?

Please refer to our Schedule of Fees on our website, CLICK HERE.

8 - How do I apply for certification?

The certification application forms are available to download on the AINDT website. Please include all evidence and any relevant documentation, as missing documentation will delay the process of you receiving your certification. You may send us your application via post OR email. CM application form CLICK HERE.

9 - My certificate is expiring soon, what do I have to do?

Please make sure you apply for Renewal or Recertification BEFORE your expiry date (you may apply 6 months prior to expiry), if you would still like to be certified by AINDT. If we receive your application after your expiry date, it will incur a late fee (see Schedule of Fees). If your application has expired for a period longer than a year, your certification will lapse and you will be required to apply for certification as an initial applicant.

10 - What if I don’t acquire enough training and experience?

You must have the required training hours in order to apply for certification. If you have insufficient experience hours you may be granted Trainee Status.

11 - I have had previous NDT Training; will I need to do training again?

If you have been granted Trainee Status, that means don’t have the required experience hours as stated in the relevant guide to certification. Once you have accumulated sufficient hours, please complete another experience sheet and referee page and send it to us (Note: include all necessary evidence). We also require 2 additional reports with the additional experience.
If your vision test (last for 12 months) has expired, we also require a new vision test.

12 - Who can I ask to be my Referee for my experience?

Your referee needs to also be qualified OR certified in the same method and sector that you are applying for. If they are not certified with AINDT, they must provide evidence to support their knowledge in CM.

13 - I want to sit examinations for Condition Monitoring, what is my first step?

In order to be able to sit the AINDT CM examinations, you will need to have completed relevant training. Please refer to our CM Guide to Certification OR contact the Federal Office to see whether you are qualified to sit the examinations.

If you have already completed training, please fill out our CM examination application forms (CLICK HERE). Please include a passport photo and evidence of your training in the examination application.

14 - I am certified under another certification body. Am I able to transfer to AINDT?

The AINDT is signatory to a Multilateral Recognition Agreement with the ICNDT. Persons with certification from an ICNDT signatory certification scheme will be granted entry to the ISO9712 certification from AINDT. The AINDT reserves the right to require persons seeking certification in Australia to undertake additional examinations.

For more information in regards to transfering your certification, please CLICK HERE.

15 - I am certified by AINDT, but I can’t see it on the website’s verification tool?

If your AINDT certification is not up on our website, please contact our office so we may investigate further.

16 - I have had previous NDT Training; will I need to do training again?

You must have AINDT approved training, complying with ISO 9712. If you are unsure, please send us a copy of your certificate so we may advise further.