SRG Training Academy
106 Stenhouse Drive
Contact Person: Tim Degrauw
Email: [email protected]
Training Provided:
Authorised AQB
Ultrasonic Testing 1,2 Welds
Magnetic Particle Testing 1,2 Multisector
Penetrant Testing 1,2 Multisector
Radiographic Testing 1,2 Welds
Sydney Institute (TAFE) - ATB (Training Only)
TAFE are proposing to run an Ultrasonic Training Course this year, commence next 1 - 2 weeks and have a few open spots.Class runs Tuesday and Thursday 5.30pm to 8.30pm at TAFE Ultimo site, about 14 weeks.
Theory and Practical Training is provided using TAFE Equipment or Students can bring their own UT Gear if they wish to rather than use TAFE UT setsThe contact will be Gary Hibbert Head Teacher WELDING 9217 3164 or go to the TAFE Website and
enrol via their site.
Ultimo Campus
Mary Ann Street
Broadway NSW 2007
Contact: Gary Hibbert, A/Head Teacher, Metal Fabrication, Welding & Materials Technology
Phone. 02 9217 3164
Fax. 02 9217 4003
Email: [email protected]
Training Provided:
Authorised ATB
NDT MethodsLevels Industry Sectors
Ultrasonic Testing 1,2 Welds, Castings
Radiographic Testing 1,2 Welds. Castings
Magnetic Particle Testing 1,2 Multisector
Penetrant Testing 1,2 Multisector
Eddy Current Testing 1,2