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Member Profile Leigh Holloway

Member Profile Leigh Holloway

Category: Member Profile

How did you find yourself working in the industry?

It was my bother,Stuart who introduced me to NDT.Before that I was an auto electrican at Kenworth and was looking for something different.Since then Stuart and I have been working side by side.

What education / training route are you following?

I am trained in Radiography which is my main interest, and I would like to continue along that path.I would like also like to do some more training on surface methods in the near future.

What do you hope to achieve in your future career, and where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

Eventually, I'd like to do my RT level 3.In 10 years I'd like to still be working at ABEN Technical Services.We have a great team,and great customers,who are a pleasure to work for and with.

What do you preceive are the benefits of AINDT Membership?

For me,it's keeping up to date with the latest technologies and industry news.The Certification discount definitely helps as well.

What is the best Piece of advice you have ever received?

Best piece of advice!!  My father is a firm belivers in doing something once and doing it properly-so it would have to be "Measure twice,Cut once" It has served my bother and I well,especially with Radiography.

What are the top three things on your "bucket list"?

I'd love to marry the love of my life Kate!I would really like to explore the top end of Australia.And win tatts lotto(LOL),just to buy a house/Castle for Kate and our 8 kids.