For single-state, small companies (less than 15 employees) who want to access business development opportunities.
- Free advertising in the Technical Expert’s Directory on the AINDT website.
- One free (one month) job advertisement posting on AINDT website per financial year.
- 50% discount on ALL website and online advertising.
Personal Assistance
- Although all members receive support through the AINDT Federal Office and State Branches, Company membership has been tailored with small business’ operators in mind.
- The AINDT Federal Office is committed to helping Company members make the most out of their memberships and best utilise the associated benefits. We understand your needs and are here to help.
PLUS Access to all Individual Member benefits for one (1) nominated representative including...
AINDT Publications
- Receive up to six (6) hard copy issues of the Industrial Eye Journal (official publication of the AINDT) for all members, featuring technical articles, Institute news, new products with coverage of the latest industry trends and events.
- Eligibility to contribute to journal, submit papers/articles.
- Significant discounts on certification applications, renewals and re-certification fees.
- Access to the AINDT Membership and Certification Portal (ability to view certifications, pending status of applications, personalised information, pay renewals and more).
State Branch Activities*
- Networking and professional development opportunities with other AINDT members at State Branch technical and social activities.
- Eligibility to take an active role in the running of local State Branch and on a national level within the Federal Council.
Conferences & Seminars
- Discounted registration fees for AINDT conferences, expositions and seminars.
- Early announcements and information updates.
Industry Information
- Up to minute Industry standard updates.
- Eligibility for AINDT service awards.
- Eligibility for AINDT annual (exam) awards.
Library & Bookshop*
- Access to technical books and theoretical material available through AINDT bookshop.
- Access to the AINDT library located at the Federal Office (contains textbooks, journals and other educational and informative material).
- Access to sample test plates for staff training.
- Trade exhibition discounts (at AINDT events).
- Use of AINDT logo for web/print (subject to Federal Executive approval).
- Membership ID card.
COST OF MEMBERSHIP: $520 (including GST)
* Terms and Conditions:
State Branches: Branch Council positions are subject to election by the State Branch.
Library & Bookshop: Bookings are required prior to access of the AINDT library, contact Federal Office.
Certification: Membership must be continuous since issue of certification on order for member discount rates to be applied to renewals/re-certification.
1. To be eligible for discounts on AINDT certification fees, candidates/certificate holders are required to be ordinary members of the AINDT when applying for certification.
2. To be eligible for discounts on AINDT Renewal and/or Re-Certification fees, candidates/certificate holders are required to have held continuous AINDT ordinary membership for the previous 5 years without interruption.
Awards: AINDT service awards are subject to the following conditions:
1. Must have sat the exam and gained Certification in the required year.
2. Cannot be a re-sit.
3. Must have been an ordinary AINDT member when the exam was sat.
4. Must be a current ordinary member.